Onboarding Instructions

Follow these instructions to get started on the platform...

  1. Log in to your custom Planner Portal and bookmark the sign in link. If you cannot find your sign in link then search your email for the initial onboarding email from adviice or email us at support@adviice.ca
  2. Review the three demo clients we’ve created for you. Log into a client account by pressing the "Access" button. Watch this video for more details... exploring the three demo clients​

  1. Customize your company profile and branding data to create a seamless experience for your clients. Watch this video for more details... how to customize your company profile and branding data​
    1. Go to Company > Profile. For companies with multiple advisors/planners the Company profile settings will be used when a client isn't linked with a specific planner/advisor. This is useful when you have a general onboarding flow and then allocate prospective clients to a specific advisor/planner after an initial meeting. The company profile settings will only be used when a client signs up using the generic company sign up link at the top of the company profile page.
    2. Go to Planner > Profile. The planner profile settings will only be used when a client signs up using the specific planner "REF" link at the top of the planner profile page. When a client is linked to a planner they will see the planner's profile settings, this includes the planner's embedded calendars and email content. See steps below on how to customize this content.

  1. Embed a calendar in your planner profile and company profile to help your clients book an Intro/Discovery call with you. At a minimum you will want to embed either a "General" calendar or a "Discovery" calendar. Either of these calendars will show up when a prospective client signs up for a new account. Watch this video for more details... how to embed your calendar on the platform​
    1. Tips for adding a calendar: When embedding a calendar you will use the "website" embed option, not a link. The website embed option will typically include a "script" tag or an "iframe" tag. For example, if you're using Calendly, this is how you would embed your calendar... https://help.calendly.com/hc/en-us/articles/4409838727703-Embedding-Calendly-on-your-site
    2. Quick description of each calendar:
      1. General: When calendar content is added here it will supersede all other calendars and will always be shown. Use this calendar when you have one calendar that displays multiple meeting types of when you use the same calendar for all meetings.
      2. Discovery: The content within this calendar is shown when a client first logs into the platform and is still a prospective client.
      3. Foundation: The content within this calendar is only shown after a Foundation Document has been uploaded in the Clients table.
      4. Planning: The content within this calendar is only shown after a Plan Document has been uploaded in the Clients table.
      5. Ongoing: The content within this calendar is only shown when a client is in the "Ongoing" column of the Client Flow. This is prefect for booking "surge" planning meetings with clients.

  1. Personalize the default email content for a unique touch and to boost client engagement. These emails are automatically sent by the platform on your behalf when certain actions are taken. Here is a quick description of when each email is sent. Watch this video for more details... how to customize your email content​
    1. Confirm Email: This is the first email sent to a prospective client. It helps confirm their email address entered is valid. It includes a confirmation code that is randomly generated. The email content can be updated/changed but it must include {{confirm_code}}.
    2. Welcome Email: This is the second email sent to a prospective client. It is sent to the client after they successfully confirm their email address and complete the short onboarding questions. The onboarding questions are simple "structure" based questions to help the adviice platform customize itself to each client. Use this email to provide further instructions to your prospective client.
    3. Discovery Email: The Discovery email is only sent when using the payment integration. When a client pays for a fee-for-service financial planning engagement this Discovery email provides next steps and instructions. Typically the client will start their financial plan by completing the Discovery phase.
    4. Foundation Email: The Foundation Email is only sent after a Foundation Document has been uploaded in the Clients table.
    5. Planning Email: The Planning Email is only sent after a Plan Document has been uploaded in the Clients table.

More of a Visual Learner?

Watch these videos to get started...

  1. ​Exploring the three demo clients​
  2. ​How to customize your company profile and branding data​
  3. ​How to embed your calendar on the platform​
  4. ​How to customize your email content​
  5. ​Using the client portal and free trial feature to generate new leads​

Definition of Terms

  1. Client Portal: This client portal serves as the starting point for client onboarding and the submission of client data. As a planner, you enjoy full access to your client's page, where you craft their personalized financial plan, generate detailed reports, and provide tailored recommendations

  1. Planner Portal: Tailor and personalize your platform to align with your business and client requirements through the planner portal. Additionally, you can grant other planners in your company either restricted or full access to the planner portal, empowering them to oversee specific client plans.

  1. Company Profile: The company profile is exclusively available to company admins. The settings in the company profile serve as defaults for clients until they are assigned to a planner. Admins also have the authority to assign clients to planners and possess editing privileges for both the company and planner profiles.

  1. Planner Profile: The planner profile enables company planners to access client plans assigned by company admins. Planners can edit the planning settings for their assigned clients.