How can I edit the emails I send to my clients?

To edit your email content log into your Planner Portal, go to your Profile, and then scroll down to the Email content sections.

Five email types to customize: Confirm Email, Welcome Email, Discovery Email, Foundation Email, and Planning Email.

Confirm Email: Initial email sent to a prospective client when they sign up to the platform, this email includes a code to confirm the prospective client has entered a valid email address.

Welcome Email: Email sent after the prospective client completes the onboarding questionnaire and has logged into the platform (possibly on a free trial if enabled).

Discovery Email: Sent when a prospective client becomes a paid client after completing the Stripe checkout. Only sent automatically when Stripe checkout is used, not sent if a client is manually marked as “paid” in the planner portal.

Foundation Email: Sent when a Foundation PDF is uploaded for a client in the planner portal.

Planning Email: Sent when a Planning PDF is uploaded for a client in the planner portal.