FAQ: How Do I Add Multiple Pensions To My Plan?
Step 1: Check Pension Module Activation
- Navigate to Profile Section
- Confirm that the Defined Benefit Pension Module is activated:
- If the module is highlighted in blue, it is active.
Step 2: Enter a Base Pension
- Go to Tax and Benefits > Defined Benefit Pension Module.
- Input details of your existing pension:
Step 3: Add Additional Pensions
Option 1: Deferred Pension Starting at 65
- Add the deferred pension directly to the current pension entry:
- Ensure both pensions have similar characteristics, such as inflation adjustments.
- Verify in Projection Section that the total annual pension reflects the combined amount
Option 2: Pension Starting at a Different Age
- Navigate to Projections Section
- Open the Income Columns by clicking the arrow.
- Scroll to Other Taxable Income and manually input the additional pension:
- Example: A $7,000 pension starting at 67.
- Set the following parameters:
- Start Year: Input the pension's starting age (e.g., 67).
- Inflation Adjustment:
- Enable if the pension is indexed.
- Leave off if it’s not indexed.
- End Year: To extend to the end of the plan, input an age well beyond life expectancy (e.g., 110).
- Clear income entries for years before the pension starts (e.g., clear amounts before age 67).
- Recalculate to verify the additional pension appears in the chart.
Step 4: Review Projections
- Navigate back to Projections to verify:
- The combined total of all pensions.
- Any inflation adjustments or purchasing power declines over time.
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