Platform Update Log: Last Update Jan 3, 2025
January 2025
- Corporate Module: This feature will allow up to three HoldCo/OpCo combinations to be added to the plan. Changes to the following sections:
- Profile: Select # of corporations
- Discovery > Income: Add personal amounts for Corporate Salary and Corporate Dividend Target (the platform will automatically aim for the target as long as there is enough corporate cash flow and/or investment assets inside the corp).
- Discovery > Corp. General Info: Add general information about each corporation including ownership %'s, share value, notional account balances etc.
- Discovery > Corp. Assets and Debts: Add information for financial assets, multiple real assets, and multiple debts
- Discovery > Corp. Income & Expenses: Add information for corporate revenue, expenses, rental income, rental expenses etc. Salary and corporate CPP/EI contributions will be calculated automatically based on the Salary info entered in Discovery > Income but it can be overridden on a scenario by scenario basis to test salary vs dividend scenarios.
- Foundation > Corp. Investment Plan: Add information about the rate of return and type of return for the corporate Checking/Savings and Investment accounts.
- Planning > Projections: Similar to the personal side, you can see the detailed corporate projections at the very right of the projection table. These assumptions for revenue, expenses, salary, dividends, contributions/withdrawals etc can be adjusted scenario by scenario providing unlimited control for each scenario and allowing scenarios like "Should I incorporate or not?". This is also where you can adjust the dividend target and specific dividend amounts between Capital, Eligible, and Non-Eligible dividends.
- Planning > Projections > Advanced Options: Similar to the personal side, in Advanced Options you can make very specific adjustments to the corporate assumptions scenario by scenario, this includes adding new real assets, selling real assets, adding new debts etc. etc.
- Planning > Projections > Charts: The corporate assets will show up in the Net Worth and Success Rate charts providing a visual representation of how these assets fit into the personal plan.
October 2024
- CPP Survivor Benefit Calculation: The platform will now automatically calculate the CPP Survivor benefit based on the age of the survivor (pre-65 vs post-65), the size of the survivors CPP benefit, and the integration between the two benefits (reduced benefit due to caps/reductions).
- Pension Survivor Benefit Calculation: The platform will now automatically calculate the pension survivor benefit and pay it to the survivor based on the % survivor benefit in Discovery > Tax & Benefits > Defined Benefit Pension
- Insurance Payout: The platform will now automatically pay out a life insurance benefit to a survivor, this is based on the new beneficiary % fields that are added to Discovery > Insurance > Life Insurance
- Estate Value and Estate Tax: The platform will now do an after-tax estate value and estate tax calculation. This will be shown visually in the Net Worth Chart.
- Estate Value and Estate Tax AI Strategy Ranking: AI strategies will now be ranked on after-tax estate value rather than net worth. .
- Insurance Needs Analysis: The Foundation phase now includes a new section which is a basic Insurance Needs Analysis.
- Survivor Scenario AI Strategy: The AI Strategies will now include a new Survivor Scenario strategy, it will automatically evaluate life expectancy at 5-year increments.
- Life Expectancy in Advanced Options: If you want to be extremely specific with life expectancy you don't need to use the AI Strategies, you can enter an exact life expectancy in Planning > Projections > Advanced Options.
September 2024
- Spousal-RRSP AI Strategy: Automatically evaluates if a Spousal-RRSP would benefit a plan for a couple. This strategy will activate the Spousal-RRSP allowing it to accumulate assets and better split income before age 65.
- Total Income Line: In Planning > Projections the Income chart has a new "Total Income" line to make it easier to see the total amount of income year-by-year
- Implementation Reminder Email: Added option to send immediately.
- Added RRIF and LIF wording to all RRSP and LIRA references: To help onboarding we updated the wording of RRSP to include RRIF and LIRA to include LIF.
- Custom Deductions now allows positives: In Planning > Projections > Table in the Taxable Income column we've updated the "bounding" on the Custom Deductions column to allow positives. This is to assist in modeling things like the Home Buyer Plan repayment where an RRSP contribution being used to repay the HBP is not eligible for a deduction.
- Summary Table extended to full plan:The Summary table in Planning has been updated to extend all the way to the end of the plan instead of just the next 10-years.
- Community and Help Resources links in side nav:
- Embedded Onboarding/Help Videos: You can now embed an onboarding/help video on each section of the platform.
July 2024
- New "Frequency" Drop Downs in Income and Expenses: Enter Income and Expenses values as Weekly, Bi-Weekly, Semi-Monthly, Monthly, Quarterly, Semi-Annual, or Annual.
- New AI Strategies
- Maximize TFSA in Retirement
- Maximize TFSA cont. room in retirement using Non-Reg balance
- Maximize TFSA cont. room in retirement using Non-Reg or RRSP balance
- Maximize new TFSA cont. room in retirement using Non-Reg balance
- Maximize new TFSA cont. room in retirement using Non-Reg or RRSP balance
- Tax Planning
- Disable contributions to lower income partners Non-Reg account first using their income
- (Enabled by Default) Enable contributions to lower income partners Non-Reg account first using their income
- Tax Planning
- Disable income splitting in retirement for RRIF/LIF/Pension income
- (Enabled by Default) Enable income splitting in retirement for RRIF/LIF/Pension income
- Debt Payoff
- Disable paying off high interest debt before making investment contributions
- (Enabled by Default) Enable paying off high interest debt before making investment contributions
- Maximize TFSA in Retirement
June 2024
"Find An Advisor" Marketplace & Advisor Connections: We've now made it even easier for you to connect with a fee-only or advice-only financial planner through Adviice. These financial planners are already using Adviice with their clients and they have different service offerings, from short 60-minute consult meetings, to longer retirement planning engagements. This is an amazing way to validate the retirement plan you've already started.
When you "connect" with an advisor you'll be able to view their booking calendar and in turn they will be able to view your account information. This connection can be removed at any time in the Advisor Connections page. We've started with a smaller group but we will be adding many other advisors in the coming weeks.
- Bug Fixes: We've deployed a few small bug fixes, most were edge cases, but one noticeable change is that we reordered the AI Strategies table to avoid the Strategy Name being cut off on smaller screens.
May 2024
- Updated FP Canada Rate of Return Assumptions for 2024: Equity 6.71%, Fixed Income: 3.4%, Inflation 2.1%
- Spousal Support & Child Support: Discovery > Income > Other Taxable Income or Other Non-Taxable Income can now be a negative value, allowing you to add income reductions due to Spousal Support or Child Support payments
- Net Worth Tooltip Bug: Fixed a bug causing the Projections > Net Worth chart to show the incorrect Financial Assets value in the tooltip when in Future Dollars and a Home was sold
- Added Taxable Income Columns: Added new columns in Planning > Projections > Table that provides additional visibility into what goes into Taxable Income
- Added Custom Deductions Column: Added a column in Planning > Projections > Table that allows for custom deductions to be added year-by-year
- Added Total Tax Columns: Added columns in Planning > Projections > Table that provides additional visibility into what goes into Total Tax payable, breaking it down into Federal and Provincial, and further into individual tax credits
- Added Custom Tax Credits Columns: Added a columns in Planning > Projections > Table that allows for custom Federal or Provincial Tax Credits to be added year-by-year like Disability Tax Credit etc. (these should be entered as the tax credit amount, not the higher base amount)
- Capital Gains Increase Above $250,000: Adjusted capital gains calculation for proposed 2024 Federal Budget (we will remove this if it doesn't pass)
March 2024
- AI Strategies!
- Accumulation order: Testing all combinations of TFSA vs Registered vs Non-Reg before retirement
- Decumulation order: Testing all combinations of Non-Reg vs Registered vs TFSA after retirement
- RRSP Meltdown: Drawing down registered accounts faster in early retirement up to the next tax bracket
February 2024
- Added mortgage renewal fields to Discovery > Debts > Real Estate Debt. This includes "renewal date" and "interest rate upon renewal". The debt calculation logic has been updated to automatically calculate the new payment based on the existing amortization and the new rate. The platform will automatically calculate the new payment and show that in Foundation > Debt Payoff Plan and Planning > Projections
- Added filename to Discovery > Document Uploads page. This allows you to quickly see the name of the files uploaded. This will only show for new uploads.
- Projections and Future Cash Flow charts now use Age instead of Year as the x-axis.
Copy Income and Expenses snapshots in Discovery. You can now copy an Income or Expenses snapshot including all the values, this makes it much easier to add phases of retirement spending etc.
- AI Strategies
- Added ability to "Enable" an AI strategy directly from the Projections section
- Added "Increase Retirement Spending" strategy that automatically evaluates higher levels of spending in retirement vs net worth and success rate
- Added "Decrease Retirement Spending" strategy that automatically evaluates lower levels of spending in retirement vs net worth and success rate
- Added a "Lifetime Spending" column to allow you to rank based on spending in addition to net worth and success rate
Switched to AWS "Lambda" a server-less architecture for AI strategy calculations that will provide unlimited scale during peak periods
- Small improvements...
- Changed left navigation to make the phase names "Discovery", "Foundation", and "Planning" clickable so that they open the phase (rather than just the little "v" arrow).
- Added an option to remember 2FA codes for 7-days
- Added text to the bottom of the "Cancel" email letting you know the account will be deleted in 14 days