FAQ: Does Adviice Work for Quebec Residents?
Quebec taxes are integrated but there are several factors that are unique to Quebec residents that are not yet included on the platform.
- There is only a CPP calculation, not a separate QPP calculation at the moment, so the slight differences between the two programs aren’t reflected yet (eg: you are not able to delay QPP to 72). In most cases the difference are minor but we recommend you double check them yourself.
- Currently there is a discrepancy between the way the Pension Income credit is calculated on the platform and how it is calculated in Quebec. If there is a large age difference between spouses this may cause a difference in calculations. We are looking to resolve this in a future update.
You will also need to add the prescription drug insurance plan and health services fund premiums as an Misc. Expense. In the future we will look to add this as a separate field for Quebec residents but it can still easily be added now using misc. expense.