FAQ: Do I Have to Enter Start-of-the-Year Values for Investment Accounts?

For account balances, the platform does year-by-year projections, if you go to Discovery > Assets you'll notice that the platform asks for beginning of the year values for account balances.

The platform is designed to calculate income, expenses, contributions/withdrawals, and debt payments on an annual basis. It needs to do this to properly calculate the annual tax owing, marginal tax rate, as well as for the AI Strategies to determine accumulation/decumulation order etc.

Now, that being said, if it is nearing the end of the year what you could do is reduce your "beginning balance" slightly to account for a full year of projected growth that the platform adds for the year that's almost finished.

The other option is to reduce the assumed investment return for each account in Planning > Projections > Table to prorate it yourself for the current year. Open the account using the ">" arrow, then open the Net Return column using the ">" arrow. There you can adjust the rate of return and pro-rate it. For example, you might enter in the December 1st balance and reduce the rate of return to 0% so that platform would not add any additional growth for the year.