Getting Started: Corp. Investment Plan

The Corp. Investment Plan section is designed to set specific return assumptions for each type of account within the corporation, such as checking, savings, and investment accounts.

Checking/Savings Return:

For checking and savings accounts, you can input the expected return and any associated fees, which the platform uses to calculate the net return.

Investment Return and Asset Allocation:

Similarly, for investment accounts, you can define your corporate asset allocation and fees. This information allows us to calculate the total net return after investment fees which we will use within the plan.

The rate of return is the standard long-term rate of return assumption from the Financial Planning Standards Council and may change slightly from year-to-year. There is still an opportunity to adjust the rate of return assumption in Projections > Advanced Options, but we do not recommend making these changes unless in very specific circumstances.

Type of Return and Portfolio Turnover:

Here you can categorize returns as capital gains, dividends, or interest, each of which has distinct tax implications. By inputting these return types, the platform ensures that the investment income is accurately taxed within the projections.

Portfolio turnover is a metric to help capture capital gains that may occur from annual re-balancing and/or capital gains distributions.