Adding Or Changing An Expenses Snapshot

Drop Downs:

  • /A = Per Annum
  • /SM = Per Semi-Annum (2x per year)
  • /Q = Per Quarter
  • /M = Per Month
  • /SM = Per Semi-Month (2x per month)
  • /BW = Per Bi-Weekly
  • /W = Per Weekly

Add a new expenses snapshot for any large change in expenses.

Possible Examples of Additional Expenses Snapshots:

  • Pre-Retirement: When adult children leave home
  • Early-Retirement: "Go-Go Phase" with extra vacation/travel expenses
  • Late Retirement: A period later in retirement when certain expenses may decrease

How To Add A New Expenses Snapshot

  1. Click on the menu button in the right hand corner of any existing income snapshot

  2. Select COPY if you would like to copy all the expense information into your new snapshot. Select ADD if you would like to start a blank snapshow
  3. Add a descriptive name for your new income snapshot
  4. Add the start age (for couples this is the primary user)
  5. Add the end age (for couples this is the primary user)
  6. Click "Copy" or "Create"

Tip: After adding a new snapshot it may be necessary to change the ages for other snapshots. This will not happen automatically.