Adding Or Changing An Expenses Snapshot
Drop Downs:
- /A = Per Annum
- /SM = Per Semi-Annum (2x per year)
- /Q = Per Quarter
- /M = Per Month
- /SM = Per Semi-Month (2x per month)
- /BW = Per Bi-Weekly
- /W = Per Weekly
Add a new expenses snapshot for any large change in expenses.
Possible Examples of Additional Expenses Snapshots:
- Pre-Retirement: When adult children leave home
- Early-Retirement: "Go-Go Phase" with extra vacation/travel expenses
- Late Retirement: A period later in retirement when certain expenses may decrease
How To Add A New Expenses Snapshot
Click on the menu button in the right hand corner of any existing income snapshot
- Select COPY if you would like to copy all the expense information into your new snapshot. Select ADD if you would like to start a blank snapshow
- Add a descriptive name for your new income snapshot
- Add the start age (for couples this is the primary user)
- Add the end age (for couples this is the primary user)
- Click "Copy" or "Create"
Tip: After adding a new snapshot it may be necessary to change the ages for other snapshots. This will not happen automatically.