Monthly Gross Income

Gross Income will help us look for income tax and government benefit opportunities. Retirement income from CPP or OAS will be calculated automatically if you have not started to receive them.

If you have started to receive payments from CPP or OAS you should see fields for Gross CPP and Gross OAS amounts. If you do not see these fields, go to the Profile section and select CPP/OAS Started.

Pension income will also be added automatically based on the information you share in the Tax and Benefits section.

Use Your Paystub

Complete the Monthly Gross Income section using your most recent paystub. The paystub you use should represent your typical earnings. In this example below we would use $2,375 as gross income if this overtime represents the average overtime received.

Payment frequency can be entered by using the dropdowns.

Drop Downs:

  • /A = Per Annum
  • /SM = Per Semi-Annum (2x per year)
  • /Q = Per Quarter
  • /M = Per Month
  • /SM = Per Semi-Month (2x per month)
  • /BW = Per Bi-Weekly
  • /W = Per Weekly

Example of Monthly and Bi-Weekly Gross Income: