CPP Benefits Estimate
CPP payments are based on your contributions. To estimate your future CPP benefit we will use both your past contributions as well as future assumptions for your income.
We will use this information to estimate how much you may receive from CPP on an annual basis in the future. Individuals start making contributions to CPP at the age of 18. Those contributions are based on your employment income.
Download your CPP Statement Of Contributions from MyCRA to find your past pensionable earnings. Enter the "Pensionable Earnings" values from your CPP Statement of Contributions that correspond to each year.
For instructions on how to find your CPP Statement of Contributions, please visit the article Find Your Past CPP Contributions Using Your CPP Statement Of Contributions
Maximum CPP
To receive the maximum CPP typically requires between 35 and 39 years of earnings above the YMPE (year's maximum pensionable earnings). However this can be affected by the Child Rearing Drop Out (CRDO) when caring for your children while they were under the age of 7, as well as the new CPP enhancement that is phasing in between 2019 and 2025.