FAQ: Why Am I Seeing Non-Taxable Income in My Retirement Projections?
If you have not entered any "Non Taxable Income" in the Income columns, it is most likely from Government Benefits being calculated based on your taxable income each year and the benefits you may qualify for.
You can see exactly what benefits make up this total by navigating to Planning > Projections and navigating to the table beneath the charts. Once there, click the > next to Your name Income and scroll to find "Government Benefits". Expand that area by clicking >
You can find the list of acronyms defined in the Tax and Benefits Analysis Section as well as summarized below:
Abbreviated Benefit Names:
- OAS: Old Age Security.
- CCB: Canada Child Benefit.
- GST Credit: Federal GST/HST Credit.
- CWB: Federal Canada Workers Benefit.
- GIS: Federal Guaranteed Income Supplement.
- Extra GIS: Extra Federal Guaranteed Income Supplement.
- OCB: Ontario Child Benefit.
- OEPTC: Ontario Energy and Property Tax Credit.
- HST Credit: Ontario Sales Tax Credit.
- OSHPTG: Ontario Senior Homeowners Property Tax Grant.
- GAINS: Ontario Guaranteed Annual Income System.