Planning > Projections: Income and Expenses
- FAQ: How to Include an Inheritance in my Plan
- FAQ: How Do I Add a One-Off Expenses To My Plan
- FAQ: How Do I Model Earlier Retirement Dates?
- FAQ: How do I Change my Plan Length/Max Age for Projections?
- FAQ: How do I Test Multiple Defined Benefit Pension Start Dates?
- FAQ: Why Do I Have a Balance in the Cash Account Column?
- FAQ: How Do I Model an Annuity in my Plan?
- FAQ: Why Am I Seeing Non-Taxable Income in My Retirement Projections?
- FAQ: Does the Platform Work to Optimize Canada Child Benefit with RRSP Contributions?
- FAQ: Why Is the Platform Adding a Missing Expenses Column to my Plan?
- FAQ: If I Add a One Time Expense Do I Need to Set Where the Income Comes From?
- FAQ: What Does a Shortfall Mean on the Spending Chart and What Causes It to Appear?
- FAQ: Do Updates to Discovery/Foundation Affect All Scenarios?
- FAQ: Where is CPP/OAS Found in the Projection Income Table?
- FAQ: Why Is My CPP Start Age is Not Updating in Projections?
- FAQ: How Do I Add a Negative Spending Override?
- FAQ: How to Reduce Spending in Survivor Scenario?
- FAQ: What Income Sources Are Included in Other Taxable Income?
- FAQ: How to Model Different Withdrawal Rates?
- FAQ: Why is Total Income Not the Same in the Projections Graph and Table?