- Getting Started: Final Plan Projections
- Advanced Options In Final Plan Projections
- FAQ: What Changes on the Platform in the New Year and How Do You Update Your Plan? (Updated 2025)
- FAQ: How Do I Model Earlier Retirement Dates?
- FAQ: How Do I Increase the Inflation Rate used on the Platform?
- FAQ: How to Model Taking Dividends Only From a Non-Registered Account
- Add An Override To Investment or Savings Account Contributions or Withdrawals In Final Plan Projections
- Add An Override To Investment Return, Asset Allocation, Investment Fees In Final Plan Projections
- Add An Override To Income And Expenses In Final Plan Projections
- FAQ: How to Model Alternate Scenarios with Different Pension Start Dates
- FAQ: How Do I Make a Different Scenario?
- FAQ: What Does a Shortfall Mean on the Spending Chart and What Causes It to Appear?
- Add An Override To Debt Payments In Final Plan Projections
- FAQ: Why is the Platform Not Pulling From my TFSA to Cover Projected Shortfall?
- FAQ: How do I Test Multiple Defined Benefit Pension Start Dates?
- FAQ: What Are Some Best Practices When Testing Multiple Scenarios?
- FAQ: Does the Platform Assume Investment Contributions are at the Start or End of the Year?
- FAQ: Where Do TFSA/FHSA Gifts to Children Get Entered on the Platform?
- FAQ: How do I Change my Plan Length/Max Age for Projections?
- FAQ: Why Am I Seeing Non-Taxable Income in My Retirement Projections?