Planning > Projections: Income Tax
- FAQ: Why Do I Have Taxable Capital Gains in my Non Registered Account Before Retirement?
- FAQ: Why Don't I See an OAS Clawback Column on my Projection Charts?
- FAQ: Does the Platform Include Tax Credit Calculations?
- FAQ: Are Probate Fees Included in the Estate Tax Calculation?
- FAQ: What Changes on the Platform in the New Year and How Do You Update Your Plan? (Updated 2025)
- FAQ: What is the Effect of the % Portfolio Turnover in the Advanced Options?
- FAQ: How Do I Change the Investment Income Types (Dividend, Capital Gains, Interest) in My Non-Registered Accounts?
- FAQ: How Are RRIF Mimimum Withdrawal Factors Applied?
- FAQ: Can I Convert an RRSP to RRIF Before Age 55?
- FAQ: Can I Prompt RRIF Withdrawals to be Done Equally Between Spouses?
- FAQ: Are the Pension and Age Credits Part of the Calculations for Projections?
- FAQ: Does Estate Value Include Probate Fees by Province?
- FAQ: Why Are There No Capital Gains Triggered in My Survivor Scenario?
- FAQ: How Do I Create a Scenario to Minimize Income Tax?
- FAQ: How to Add the Charitable Tax Credit or Disability Tax Credit to My Plan?
- FAQ: How Does the Platform Deal with Capital Losses?
- FAQ: How Does the Platform Calculate Estate Tax?
- FAQ: A One-Time Cash Withdrawal From Non-Registered is Triggering Capital Gains
- FAQ: How Do I Level My Tax Throughout Retirement?