FAQ: Why Are My Savings Amounts Not Showing Up in the Projections Charts?
If you entered specific savings amount in the Discovery > Expenses > Savings section, these amounts may not be used by the platform if there is not available cash flow.
In “Automatic” calculation mode the model may not make contributions if it doesn’t have available cash flow, it won’t pull from investment accounts in retirement to make contributions unless you use the AI Strategy called TFSA Maximization and/or if you make overrides in the TFSA contribution column.
If you would like to plan specific contributions you can add an override by going to Planning > Projections > Table and scroll to the right to the TFSA account and open it using the “>” arrow, then add a contribution by adding a positive value.
Tip: If you enter a very large value like $100,000 the platform will automatically cap it based on available contribution room.
You can also use "Manual" calculation mode by toggling the per year calculation mode in the Planning > Projections > Table.
This will use exactly what you entered in Discovery > Expenses Section. While in manual mode the platform will not look for additional cash flow to save and the AI strategies will not override your entered savings amounts.