FAQ: How to Fix Rental Income Reduction in Survivor Scenarios?

In a Survivor Scenario the platform reduces the deceased’s income to $0 but for a rental property you can manually adjust the rental income for the surviving partner in that specific scenario (not in Discovery > Income which affects all scenarios).

Go to Planning > Projections, select the Survivor Scenario, then scroll down to the Table below. Open the Income column for the surviving partner using the “>” arrow (Not the “Taxable Income” columns, you want the “Income” columns).

From there you can find the Rental Income column, scroll down to the year the survivor scenario starts, then double click the Rental Income to add an override. Enter the full amount (remember the table is in Future Dollars, so just double the original value to switch from 50% to 100%), click the Increase by Inflation button, then cascade to your age at the end of the plan.

Save, then Recalculate to integrate that change. This override will only be in this one scenario.