Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about the Discovery Phase
- FAQ: Where Do I Add Cottage/Vacation Property Expenses?
- FAQ: How Do I Remove a Spouse From My Plan?
- FAQ: Where Do I Include an RRSP Refund in My Income?
- FAQ: How To Calculate Minimum RRIF Withdrawal Percentage Based on Younger Spouse's Age?
- FAQ: Why Is The Platform Inflating My Defined Benefit Pension Pre-Retirement?
- FAQ: Where Do I Add a Pre-Existing CPP Survivor Benefit?
- FAQ: Why Are CPP Estimates Lower for Partner?
- FAQ: Where to Include a Foreign Government Pension?
- FAQ: If I Am Currently Collecting a CPP Survivor Benefit, How Do I Include it On the Platform?
- FAQ: When the Platform Rolls Over to a New Year Does Discovery Income/Expenses Increase with Inflation?
- FAQ: Can I Add a Second 2FA to My Account?
- FAQ: When Creating Snapshots of Expenses/Income Does the System Adjust the Current Day Amounts for Inflation?
- FAQ: How Do I Model a Rental Property I Personally Use?
- FAQ: What Do I Enter for the Non-Registered Adjusted Cost Base (ACB)?
- FAQ: How Do I Include an Investment Loan Rate Change?