Frequently Asked Questions about the Planning Phase
- FAQ: How Do I Level My Tax Throughout Retirement?
- FAQ: How Do I Model the Proceeds of a Business Sale?
- FAQ: Why Do I See a Non-Registered Surplus in my Plan?
- FAQ: Does the Platform Consider Withholding Tax When Calculating RRIF Withdrawals
- FAQ: What Are My Expenses Not Updating in Scenarios?
- FAQ: Can I Reset to My Base Scenario?
- FAQ: A One-Time Cash Withdrawal From Non-Registered is Triggering Capital Gains
- FAQ: How to Monitor Net Worth During Retirement?
- FAQ: Am I Able to Include LIFs From Different Provinces?
- FAQ: Why is Total Income Not the Same in the Projections Graph and Table?
- FAQ: Why Is There Still a Mortgage Payment in Projections After a House Sale?
- FAQ: How Do I Move Surplus Cash into my Investment Accounts?
- FAQ: Do the AI Accumulation/Decumulation Strategies Apply Post and Pre Retirement?
- FAQ: Does Adviice Assume TFSA Beneficiary or Successor Holder?
- FAQ: Why Don't TFSA Contributions Change My Projections?
- FAQ: Why Does My Eligible Dividend Override Keep Resetting to Zero?
- FAQ: How Do I Model Retirement Compensation Agreements (RCA)?
- FAQ: How Does the Platform Calculate Estate Tax?
- FAQ: What is Included in Deduction Expenses in the Projections Section?
- FAQ: Why Did Reversing Changes to Discovery Assets Not Restore Previous Results?