- FAQ: How Does Adviice Make Assumptions About Future TFSA Contribution Room
- FAQ: If I Delete a Scenario do I Lose My Discovery/Foundation Information?
- FAQ: Why Do I Have a Balance in the Cash Account Column?
- FAQ: What Is the Maximum Amount of Scenarios I Can Create?
- FAQ: How Do I Share a Copy of My Plan Anonymously?
- FAQ: How Does the Platform Project Real Estate Growth
- FAQ: How to Model a Cash Wedge Strategy?
- FAQ: The Override Function is Not Working for Me
- FAQ: What Are My Expenses Not Updating in Scenarios?
- FAQ: Can I Reset to My Base Scenario?
- FAQ: Why Did Reversing Changes to Discovery Assets Not Restore Previous Results?
- FAQ: Why Did My Success Rate Go Down When I Increased Salary?
- FAQ: Why Do I Have Contributions to Savings and Investments Starting Later in Retirement?